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Private session : I offer private Reiki sessions at my Reiki room and home visit for women, men, children and animals upon personal request. I can arrange Distant Reiki sessions for people who are living far away. One session 60~80minutes for the exchange of $60 at my Reiki room. 


Private class : Reiki is a form of a healing art. I arrange Jikiden Reiki private classes for group of no more than 5 people in Chilliwack, Vancouver, Savary Island. Please visit (Course and Event) page. 

Public Good Faith Notice
Each sessions are considered as a spiritual teaching of Reiki healing. I am open for personal arrangement of Reiki sessions by donation for people who are in need for Reiki sessions but their budget is tight.


Please contact me to arrange fund raising events by offering Reiki sessions, and donation's for local organization. 



Mari is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure any disease, physical or psychological. The use of Reiki may be for addressing the underlying spiritual issues that may be causing stress.

Reiki session should not be construed as a prescription, a promise of benefits, claims of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. The information, instruction or advice given by Mari is not intended to be a substitute for competent professional medical or psychological diagnosis and care. You should not discontinue or modify any medication presently being taken pursuant to medical advice without obtaining approval from your healthcare professional.

As a  client, you must take complete responsibility for your own physical health and emotional well-being.


UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS , December 10, 1948 - Preamble: Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people along with Articles 1, 3, 5, 12, 13(2), 17(1), 20(2). Article 4 – No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms because in 1833 the Slavery Abolition Act was passed by the British Parliament. Any reference made to “Person ” in this law is defined as Individual, freeman, freewoman and free child by my Common law understanding.


Lawful Disclosure

Common law jurisdiction is the foundation of me, the Agent for the Corporation MARI OKAZAKI for an equitable remedy by estoppel. Exclusivity of Jurisdiction: From the John Bouvier’s Revised Sixth Edition, 1856 A Law Dictionary, “Once jurisdiction is challenged, the court cannot proceed when it clearly appears that the court lacks jurisdiction, the court has no authority to reach merits, but, rather, should dismiss the action”. Melo v. US, 505 F2d 1026.

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