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Reiki session 

Reiki room in Chilliwack, Jikiden Reiki, Reiki sessions

I have been offering private Reiki sessions in my Reiki room and through home visits since 2006. session I will explain a little bit about the Reiki and how it works, and you can tell me about your needs and condition. You will be fully clothed during the session and lie or sit down quietly, and I will place my hands on your body. I will begin most of the sessions from the head and the neck, but if you are experiencing severe pain, or have clear symptoms, I will focus on those areas during the session. I might ask you to change position (roll over or roll to the side), and might offer a gentle massage on tight muscles, with your permission.

Mari's home studio in Chilliwack:

9579 Menzies Street, Chilliwack, BC 

(Close to Dollarama on Yale Rd )
Please come around to the back door through

a path on the right side.

I was referred to Mari by a counsellor at Hospice I had been seeing after unexpectedly losing my son in June of last year. I began treatments with her in the fall of 2021 and was so grateful to have found her. I was unfamiliar with Reiki but Mari was so enlightening, taking time to explain exactly what it was and what to expect. Her treatments were incredible, like nothing I had ever experienced. I often fell asleep with the intense relaxation it provided. I always left feeling much lighter and happier despite my grief. I was so curious and wanted to learn more so I decided to take her Level 1 course. Once again I was unsure what to expect but the content was so interesting and Mari was such a wonderful, easy to understand teacher that I left feeling confident and excited about this new path on my journey. I still receive Reiki treatments from Mari about one a week simply because I feel so at peace when I am there. I am filled with gratitude for both Mari and her gift.

Kim Haigh Olson

Feb 9, 2022

♢ A single session at Mari's Reiki Room 

     -80minutes $80

     -120minutes $120

♢ I am open to a sliding scale for Reiki as  

    support treatment for a serious illness

    (Chemo therapies, radiation therapies,  

      chronic illness, etc, people who need  

      frequent sessions 2~5times/week.)

♢ Home visit session

  ***Home visits only by referrals.

♢ Animal Reiki (Dogs, cats, horses)    

     (Cost for animal Reiki: depends on the time)

♢ Distant Reiki session  $120/2sessions

     (60minutes) for regular clients

  ***Please contact Mari before booking Distant Reiki

       if you have never met Mari.

  *suggested exchange

  *Public Good Faith Notice


Mari's Reiki Room is a scent-free zone.

Please do not wear strong perfume and aftershave, also please do not smoke at least 1 hour before your appointment.


If you can't make the appointment, please call or email Mari.  

Important note: 

I will be traveling between Canada and Japan and will have limited availability for in-person sessions.

To express my deep appreciation for those who have been visiting Mari's Reiki Room since 2006, I will prioritize my time for them and will not be accepting new clients at this time.

If you are still interested in a Reiki session, please feel free to contact me to check for availability.

Thank you so much!

"My name is Christine Zbirun and I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2018. Although I went through Western medicine for this cancer I also immediately turned to weekly Reiki sessions with Mari. I truly believe these sessions helped me get through this ordeal and kept my body strong. Once I had the first mastectomy surgery with 13 lymph nodes removed and two being affected I immediately had Reiki sessions right after ( a few within 2 days of each other) and to this day I have not had the arm swell up. The Doctors and nurses were amazed and commented how well I was doing as I was going through 6 months of chemo, two mastectomies and 28 rounds of radiation, even my blood work was good all the way through so I didn’t have to use Nulasta which is supposed to help your immune system. I am grateful to Mari for helping me through this difficult time. I can’t say enough how I personally feel Reiki works not only for the body but the mind.

~ Christine Zbirun 2021 January

"Dear Mari, I so much appreciate your kindness and wonderful healing. You got me through a very painful week. It would have been so much worse had it not been for your magic touch. Everything happens for a reason and although I knew Reiki was great, I think I was meant to learn how very powerful Reiki really is. "
~ Cecilia. T

"Hi Mari, Vic asked me to tell you that when he got up in the morning he felt no pain in his back. He said he was sitting at the side of the bed waiting for it, and it just didn't come. Then during the day he kept saying that his back was not hurting anymore. He was very impressed!!! Thanks so much for getting him in! Blessings to you and your family. "
~ Vic’s friend, Ellen. H, 2009

"The distant Reiki healing was amazing, I have never experienced anything like that. As I mentioned to Mari and discovered after talking to Mari, that at the exact time that I felt my 2nd and 3rd chakra moving, calming down and could hear the releasing (loud gurgling sounds) is when Mari was giving me distant healing. WOW! So powerful! I immediately felt the calmness in my body. In fact, when my friend came up to check up on me she said I looked like a different person and boy did I ever feel the shift. "

~ T.P 2008 Dec

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